A No-Sew Dinosaur
Sweatsuit in an appropriate dinosaur costume
1 sheet white felt (9" x 12" is the standard size for all felt)
1/2 sheet black felt
1 sheet eyebrow/hand/foot claw colored felt
4 sheets spike-color felt
1/2 yard coordinating fabric (felt, fleece, something hefty but not heavy)
Fabric glue
Craft glue
Safety pins
fabric stiffener (optional)
belt (optional)

That's it. Easy peasy.
Trick or Treat!
Moose Tracks:
I chose to make this a no-sew dinosaur. If my kid were a dinosaur for Halloween I'd probably revise the steps to include sewing the spikes on.
There's two different glue listed in the materials section. That's because my fabric glue randomly chooses to hate felt. So I often reinforce my gluing with craft glue.
The hoodie can be worn well after Halloween. Because of this, I choose to pin on the claws and teeth. Toddler Moose can rock the dino hoodie at preschool now without the "extra" stuff in the way.
The tail hangs rather limply in the pictures above. It will for you too. This would be where you could "shape" the tail using spray fabric stiffener and following the directions on the bottle. If this were to be Toddler Moose's Halloween costume I'd likely use stiffener to give it some pop.
To get even more creative, I'd probably give the dino a cute belly, too. I'd use a large oval of felt on the belly of the hoodie. And I'd cut out smaller circles of a coordinating color to glue onto the oval. For the "costume" above I'd probably go with a green belly the same color as the spikes and then use darker green spots. And if it were cute, I might even put a few dark green spots elsewhere on the hoodie. But don't go overboard!
The fabric I used for the tail is felt. It was a random find in the remnants bin at the fabric store. For the purposes of this tutorial, it worked perfectly. In real life I'd likely use felt or fleece. Canvas or something like it would be too stiff. The cottons and other light fabrics would be too light. Play it by ear. You can always make it better with fabric stiffener. That stuff's awesome.
You can do it, Risa! I'll be needing pics of Toddler Wild all dino'd out.